Old to New...

Went antiquing last week.

Oh yessirree, did we ever go antiquing last week. Company was in town who like old things (maybe that's why they like me....?!) so we promised them a day of antique stores. Aaaaand, first on the list was an antique MALL.

Think your Grandma's basement, and all her friends basements and all THEIR friends basements, all lined up with a nice weather impervious roof over the whole thing. Now add the smell. Odeur des Ages would be the name of the scent if it could be bottled. Musty, with underlying tones of mildew, mothballs and mice. Heady, with a racy, robust aroma and a lingering afterscent of lavender and yeast. Pecans and ripe citrus for a long finish.

Wait, what are we even talking about here?!


We arrived when they opened at 10:00 am, and left when they closed at 5:30 pm. So much for the antique stores tour! Ate lunch at the conveniently located (head of aisle 2) Pittsburg Willie's Hotdog stand.

Because it's only the finest for our guests!

I LOVE antiquing with like minds. (It's like scrapbooking with scrapbookers. There is no need to justify possessing 25 DIFFERENT kinds of adhesives. It's just OBvious!)

Even more I LOVE finding SILVER. It looks so derelict. So abandoned and left behind. Until you get it home and take the polishing cloth to it. And THEN! Well, even teenage boys who are unimpressed by anything earlier than 1998 think this recent purchase is pretty killer.


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