Bon Voyage!
My bags are packed.
Well they are in my mind where it really matters.
And tomorrow morning my dear Mr. and I are boarding a plane to Brussels-Of-All-Places! (That's in Belgium for you map-ily challenged folks.) We will also be eating our way through France, Germany and possibly/hopefully also Switzerland and Italy.
And we'll be gone for a month. Leaving at home one 18 yr old boy and another 20 yr old boy. Note the use of "boy". It's not accidental. And all the food except the frozen pizzas with which I have stocked the fridges will still be there a month from now I bet you anything. But the cereal and poptarts will be gone.
Anyway, my point is goodbye. The next month's worth of challenges and posts are in their chambers ready to be fired on the appropriate days. (Not a bad analogy for someone who dislikes guns, eh?) And I hope you all have fun this month at your various scrappy tables wherever they are, while I'm suffering adhesives and patterned paper withdrawal.
Oh yes, I expect there'll be an upside to not scrapping for a month whilst traveling Europe. Chocolate is close to the top of my list.
But before I go, one more for the road... Just an assortment of fun images and memories from our weeks at the cottage this summer.
(Kinda hate the way white cardstock doesn't show up against a white blog background.)
Well they are in my mind where it really matters.
And tomorrow morning my dear Mr. and I are boarding a plane to Brussels-Of-All-Places! (That's in Belgium for you map-ily challenged folks.) We will also be eating our way through France, Germany and possibly/hopefully also Switzerland and Italy.
And we'll be gone for a month. Leaving at home one 18 yr old boy and another 20 yr old boy. Note the use of "boy". It's not accidental. And all the food except the frozen pizzas with which I have stocked the fridges will still be there a month from now I bet you anything. But the cereal and poptarts will be gone.
Anyway, my point is goodbye. The next month's worth of challenges and posts are in their chambers ready to be fired on the appropriate days. (Not a bad analogy for someone who dislikes guns, eh?) And I hope you all have fun this month at your various scrappy tables wherever they are, while I'm suffering adhesives and patterned paper withdrawal.
Oh yes, I expect there'll be an upside to not scrapping for a month whilst traveling Europe. Chocolate is close to the top of my list.
But before I go, one more for the road... Just an assortment of fun images and memories from our weeks at the cottage this summer.

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