One sketch, two ways...

I love sketches.  

They provide a jumping off point that makes it much easier to get into the fun creative part of scrapbooking without the agony of where and how!  You can stick as closely to the sketch design as you want or interpret it very loosely.  It's all up to you.  The scrapbook police have all retired to an island off Greenland and won't be bothering us anymore!

So I thought I'd show you two layouts I did using the same sketch.

As you can see, this one sticks pretty close to the diagram with only minor deviations.  It uses 4 photos, and keeps the embellishments and journaling in approximately the same places.

Whereas this layout, is turned to the right 90ยบ and things go west from there, lol!!  I used only one photo and left off the large photo mat, and I really like the relaxed result.

Recently posted at Love is in the Details.
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